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Call Themes:

Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability (Pathways 2020)

The Belmont Forum, in collaboration with Future Earth, is launching a call for proposals on “Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability”. The call aims to support transdisciplinary networks to innovate solutions and/or synthesize positive and negative inter-linkages between the economy, technology, institutions and the environment, climate, biodiversity, and human well-being. This will support the co-design of sustainable development pathways.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Theme 1

Development of novel networks and communities of practice that address the inter-linkages, synergies, and trade-offs among three or more of the sustainable development goals.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Theme 2

Synthesis of positive and negative inter-linkages among three or more sustainable development goals using quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies.

Funding Agencies:







Future Earth(International/Africa), IAI(International/Americas), GEO(International/Global), NIMR(Nigeria),

NRF(South Africa),


TÜBİTAK (Türkiye),


Modern Architecture

Taiwan's Action:

(Eco2Health) Health and Agriculture Sustainability through Interdisciplinary Surveillance and Risk Assessment Platform of Global Emerging Zoonotic Diseases.

  • Ting-Wu Chuang(LEAD) (Taipei Medical University)

  • Day-Yu Chao ( National Chung Hsing University)

(PREMISS) Partnership for Research to Enhance Methodologies In Sustainability Science

  • Shiuh-Shen Chien (National Taiwan University)

(RREFlood) The Residual Risk of Extreme Floods: A Challenge for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Hsiao-Wen Wang (National Cheng Kung University)

Belmont Forum Program Office, NSTC

Center for Sustainability Science,

Academia Sinica,

No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Taipei, 115201 Taiwan


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